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Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Big Fat Secret

So it really isn't a "secret." I love It is so incredibly easy to use and very user friendly. It is a lot of fun to look at what my "buddies" are eating and I stay accountable to them because they say can see what I eat! GASP! The other feature that is pretty cool is the diet calendar. I can view it in so many ways. Whether I want to see just today, this week, this month, this year, it is all available AND I can print it out! This will come in very handy as I am planning on joining the NuYuRx program at Women's Healthcare. I can simply print out my foods for the week and take them with me to my appointment.

On another note, I weighed myself today. AGH! I know. I had to go to the doctor though to get my jaw checked out. My husband says that it hurts because I talk to much. Hmm. Maybe he is right! Apparently I have TMJ. So, when I got to the office I was actually excited to get onto the scale. I feel like a drug addict, I swear!  It was a little unnerving to say the least when 254.6 popped up. But, I told myself, "HELLO SELF! This means that you have taken off the 2 lbs you put on AND maybe a little more since Monday." Considering I had my clothes and shoes on and I had had coffee and water before going I think that was pretty good. Now I am left feeling like maybe I am truly getting somewhere. I have stayed right at or under my 1,800 calories per day and hopefully I will get my exercise in every day. Yesterday I was able to do 5 more minutes on the bike without "sweating it." (Not literally lol, there was a LOT of sweat!)

I am off to get some housework done and maybe squeeze in some exercise before we are off to carpool, gymnastics and my personal favorite...GROCERY SHOPPING! And that my friends IS literal. I truly love it. Sick, I know.

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